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  • devongleed

Tips and Tricks for Packing Your Storage Unit

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

So you just received access to your first storage locker and there's a laundry list of items that need to be packed away. It’s a daunting task, but we have accumulated some packing tips and tricks for packing your storage unit like a pro!

1. Create a List of Your Items

Creating a list of all the items that you’re planning on packing inside your locker is a great way to save you some sanity in the future. With an inventory list of your items, you’ll be able to track items that you’ve stored away. Keep this list handy and keep it somewhere you’ll be able to easily check in an emergency.

2. Deep Clean Your Items

Deep cleaning your items will be something you will thank yourself for in the future. If you store items away dirty, they’ll only accumulate more dust. Before you decide how to pack and organize your storage unit, don’t forget to scrub, wash, and dust your belongings.

3. Extra Protection

Depending on the items you want to store, you may want to consider an added level of protection, especially if you’re planning on keeping your items stored long-term, Covers and good quality bins will prevent exposure to moisture and dust.

- Furniture Covers

- Mattress Covers

- Vehicle Covers

- Clothing Bags

- Good Quality Plastic or Rubber Bins Over Cardboard Boxes

4. Pack with Purpose

Packing with purpose is key when getting your items into your storage unit. Depending on how full you’re planning on filling your unit, packing with purpose becomes even more important. Try to put items that you’re less likely to look for in the near future toward the back of your locker. And of course, when stacking boxes, place heavier items on the bottom, with lighter items stacked on top, and always try and dismantle your furniture if you can, especially bedframes.

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